Services Offered
Individual Therapy For Children
We focus on providing counseling in the most developmentally appropriate way to children ages 2 to 12. This is through Play Therapy and Expressive Arts Therapy where purposeful interventions are used to promote growth and healing.
Common concerns supported are low to moderate conflict divorces and parent separation, grief and loss, anxiety related to change, perfection behaviors, self-esteem, and trauma/ACE’s (sexual abuse, racism, abandonment, and highly stressful events).
Play therapy enables children to use play in much the same way as adults use words in counseling. Talking is an adult’s natural way of communicating; play is a child’s natural way of communicating. The therapist provides a safe and understanding environment with a variety of toys for the child to communicate what they struggle to say in words . Children may use puppets, dolls, paints, and other toys to express how they feel and what they think. When children are able to express their experiences and emotions, they are able to release the fear, anger, sadness, or frustration that influences their behaviors. Through play therapy, children are guided to handle external and internal stress; developing more appropriate behavior, self control, and positive self-esteem.
These appointments are 45 minutes long and the cost of each appointment is $140. These appointments may be eligible for reimbursement from your insurance depending on the type of insurance plan you have.
A parent only intake must be completed before children can begin with counseling, and parents will be included in follow up appointments after the child begins.
Parent Education Consults On Divorce
Parent Separation, Divorce and Co-Parenting can feel overwhelming and complex to the entire family. When we know the risks and impact that these experiences can have on children, it helps us make better decisions to parenting.
These consults provide a Child-Centered focus to support parents on specific needs such as: What language to use to tell children about divorce or separation, how to support your child’s emotions, Do’s and Don’ts of coparenting, and resources to help children cope at home.
These appointments are 60 minutes long and the cost of each appointment is $150. These appointments are not eligible for reimbursement by insurance because that process requires a mental health diagnosis. A mental health diagnosis can only be provided towards Individual Therapy appointments, not educational consults.
Parent-Child Relationship Training
A parent or significant caregiver is encouraged to complete up to 12 sessions of this program; strengthening their relationship with the child through 30 minute playtimes once a week. These sessions include the parent only. The playtimes are completed outside of the parent only appointments, and are recorded. The recording is brought to the parent-only appointment for feedback and support on the skills learned throughout the training. These appointments will help parents focus on letting their child play out their problems, and in the process, release tensions, feelings, and stress. Various skills are incorporated such as, how to respond to the child’s feelings, set limits without putting the child down, build onto the child’s self-esteem, and ways to support the child when they feel anxious.
These appointments are 60 minutes long and the cost of each appointment is $150. These appointments are not eligible for a superbill/reimbursement by insurance because that process requires a mental health diagnosis. A mental health diagnosis can only be provided towards Individual Therapy appointments, not educational appointments/training.